To make the sweet pastry, rub the flour, butter, sugar and the 2 egg yolks together in a large mixing bowl, initially add one tablespoon of cold milk and bring the mixture together so it is dough. Add a little more milk if the mixture is still too dry to come together. Divide the pastry in half and wrap both pieces in clingfilm and put them in the fridge to chill for about 10 minutes.
Grease your mince pie tins with butter.
Lightly dust your work surface and rolling pin with flour and roll out one of the wrapped chilled pastry pieces to a 3mm/1/8 in thickness. With a round fluted pastry cutter, cut out 24 x 8cm/3¼in discs of pastry. Gently press 12 of the pastry rounds into the greased tin wells. Fill each one with a good tablespoon of the mincemeat mixture weighing about 30 grams. Try not to overfill and get the mixture on the edges of the pastry. Whisk the remaining egg yolks and with a silicone brush paint around the rim of the cases about 3mm in this works as a glue to join the base and lid.
The remaining 12 x circles are for the lids. Place a lid on top of each base and gently press around the edges of the lid so the top and bottom seal together. Brush the tops with whisked egg yolk and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Make a small hole in the centre of each lid to let the steam out when cooking.
Now repeat with the second chilling piece of pastry.
When ready, bake both trays of 12 for approx. 20 minutes, or until the mince pies are light gold in colour, let them cool in the tin for 5 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool.
Best served warm with fresh cream.